Results for 'Palgrave MacMillan the Theory of Value: Reassessing Marx in the 21st Century'

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  1.  59
    Karl Marx and Contemporary Philosophy, edited by Andrew Chitty and Martin McIvor, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.Jeff Noonan - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (4):207-218.
    This essay is a review ofKarl Marx and Contemporary Philosophy. While the text will provide even knowledgeable Marxist readers with new insights on key texts and concepts in Marx, it nevertheless fails to intervene in crucial contemporary philosophical debates. The book is concerned less with the contemporary significance of Marxist philosophyas philosophyand more with re-reading classical Marxist texts in a contemporary context. This job it does well, but leaves the more important question of what Marxists have to say (...)
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    Simon Friederich: Interpreting Quantum Theory: A Therapeutic Approach: Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2015, xiii + 202 pp. [REVIEW]Florian Boge - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (2):443-449.
    Simon Friederich’s Therapeutic Approach to quantum theory (QT) sheds new light on the status of the quantum state. In particular, Friederich presents revisionary ideas on how to exactly differentiate objective from subjective elements of the theory and thereby improves upon previous stabs at an epistemic interpretation of quantum states. The book not only provides interesting perspectives for the cognoscenti but is also written with sufficient care and free of unnecessary technicalities so as to be accessible and worth reading (...)
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  3. Sustainable Learning: Inclusive Practices for 21st Century Classrooms.Lorraine Graham, Jeanette Berman & Anne Bellert - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Sustainable Learning: Inclusive Practices for 21st Century Classrooms provides readers with the knowledge and skills to be confident and effective inclusive teachers. The authors show that these skills are essential to quality teaching – teaching that is evidence-based, purposeful, relevant and responsive to students' needs. The book employs three overarching frameworks to examine inclusive practices in education: equity, values and sustainability. Chapter features include: • 'Think and do' exercises • Examples, case studies and vignettes • Tables, figures and (...)
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  4.  53
    (1 other version)On progress, values, and Marx.Eduard Huber - 1985 - Studies in East European Thought 30 (4):365-377.
    Marx, like many of his contemporaries, uncritically assumed that humanity develops from primitive beginnings to ever more perfect stages. In his theory of human development he measured progress by two main standards: the decrease of all forms of dependence, and the increase of universality in man's relations to nature and to his fellow man. In our century, not only have new structures of power and dependence emerged, but successive movements have also been generated to restore the more (...)
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  5.  27
    Set Theory: Boolean-Valued Models and Independence Proofs.John L. Bell - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    This third edition, now available in paperback, is a follow up to the author's classic Boolean-Valued Models and Independence Proofs in Set Theory. It provides an exposition of some of the most important results in set theory obtained in the 20th century: the independence of the continuum hypothesis and the axiom of choice.
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    Set Theory : Boolean-Valued Models and Independence Proofs: Boolean-Valued Models and Independence Proofs.John L. Bell - 2005 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This monograph is a follow up to the author's classic text Boolean-Valued Models and Independence Proofs in Set Theory, providing an exposition of some of the most important results in set theory obtained in the 20th century--the independence of the continuum hypothesis and the axiom of choice. Aimed at research students and academics in mathematics, mathematical logic, philosophy, and computer science, the text has been extensively updated with expanded introductory material, new chapters, and a new appendix on (...)
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  7.  17
    Catherine Packham, Eighteenth-Century Vitalism: Bodies, Culture, Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Pp. viii+250. ISBN 978-0-230-27618-5. £50.00. [REVIEW]Rina Knoeff - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Science 47 (1):182-183.
  8. Arvan, Marcus. Rightness as Fairness: A Moral and Political Theory. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. Pp. xi+271. $100.00. [REVIEW]Charlotte A. Newey - 2017 - Ethics 128 (1):230-235.
    Marcus Arvan’s Rightness as Fairness is a highly ambitious book. In fewer than 230 pages, hopes to demonstrate that we ought to evaluate moral theories in a similar manner to sciences, that existing moral theories fall short on that evaluation, that moral normativity reduces to instrumental rationality, and that a new theory of ‘rightness as fairness’ meets the scientific evaluative standards better than any of the alternatives.
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    Peeter Selg and Andreas Ventsel: Introducing Relational Political Analysis—Political Semiotics as a Theory and Method: Palgrave MacMillan, London, 2020.Farid Samir Benavides-Vanegas - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (4):1215-1223.
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    Following through on naturalistic approaches to natural kinds: P. D. Magnus: Scientific enquiry and natural kinds: From planets to mallards. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 222pp, £55.00, $80.00 HB.Miles MacLeod - 2013 - Metascience 23 (2):335-338.
    Large-scale book-length treatises on natural kinds are rather few compared to the amount of discussion on the subject and not since Brian Ellis’ Scientific Essentialism perhaps has anyone attempted to build a philosophical “world view” around a theory of natural kinds. Most discussion about natural kinds of the last decade has restricted itself to specific issues, such as the species debate or chemical kinds, or, as in the case of LaPorte (2009), the semantic practices surrounding kind concepts and conceptual (...)
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  11.  22
    Cues, Values and Conflict: Reassessing Evolution Wars Media Persuasion.Thomas Aechtner - 2020 - Scientia et Fides 8 (2):249-284.
    It has been posited that persuasive cues impart Evolution Wars communications with persuasive force extending beyond the merits of their communicated arguments. Additionally, it has been observed that the array of cues displayed throughout proevolutionist materials is exceeded in both the number and nuance of Darwin-skeptic persuasion techniques. This study reassesses these findings by exploring how persuasive cues in the Evolution Wars are being articulated with reference to the Cultural Cognition Thesis and Moral Foundations Theory. Observations of Institute for (...)
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  12.  24
    21st Century Politics.Paul Piccone - 1999 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1999 (117):185-190.
    After the French Revolution, when “Left” and “Right” came to designate the two main political orientations in Europe, “modernity” became the dominant metaphysical horizon within which almost all political questions have been formulated. As Panajotis Kondylis has shown in Konservatismus and other works, earlier “pre-modern” conservative visions lingered on, buried mostly in fading institutions, but their time was up. In the 20th century, the major political ideologies—Bolshevism, fascism, Nazism, liberalism, etc.—have all been alternative modernist proposals for social reconstruction, concerned (...)
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    Andrea Faggion, Nuria Sánchez Madrid y Alessandro Pinzani , Kant and Social Policies, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Suiza, 2016, 192 pp. [REVIEW]Julia Muñoz Velasco - 2018 - Dianoia 63 (81):143-147.
    Resumen: Ante las críticas insistentes a la distinción entre el empirismo y el racionalismo, se han propuesto alternativas para comprender de manera más adecuada el quehacer de los filósofos modernos. Entre ellas está la distinción entre filosofía especulativa y experimental. Intentaré evaluar la validez de esta distinción para la filosofía moral experimental del siglo XVIII y, en particular, para la propuesta de Hume. Mostraré que si la distinción se entiende en términos excluyentes, resulta inapropiada porque el mismo Hume plantea que (...)
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  14.  17
    Meredith K. Ray, Margherita Sarrocchi's Letters to Galileo: Astronomy, Astrology, and Poetics in Seventeenth-Century Italy. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. Pp. 98. ISBN 978-1-137-59769-4. £45.00. [REVIEW]Timothy Duffy - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Science 51 (1):160-161.
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    Charles R. Pigden : Hume on Is and Ought: Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, 2010, xiv + 352 pp, ISBN: 978-0-230-20520-8, GBP 74.00.David Hommen - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (6):1419-1422.
    Within a single paragraph in his Treatise of Human Nature, David Hume prompted what has become one of the most central orthodoxies in ethical theory: the thesis that one cannot derive what ought to be from what there is. In the aftermath of Hume’s seminal discussion, the No-Ought-From-Is-thesis has obtained approval among moral theorists to the point that it has been assigned the status of an undisputed ‘law’. As common with commonplaces in philosophy, alas, both the exact content and (...)
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  16.  58
    Political religion vs non-establishment: Reflections on 21st-century political theology: Part 2.Jean L. Cohen - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (6):507-521.
    This article defends the principle of non-establishment against 21st-century projects of political religion, constitutional theocracy and political theology. It is divided into two parts. The first part, published in special issue 39.4–5 of Philosophy and Social Criticism, proceeds by constructing an ideal type of political secularism, and then discussing the innovative American model of constitutional dualism regarding religion that combined constitutional protection for the freedom of religious conscience and exercise with the principle of non-establishment. It then critically assesses (...)
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  17.  41
    Women in Twentieth-Century Italy. By Perry Willson (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), viii+ 230 pp.£ 18.99 paper. [REVIEW]Marja Härmänmaa - 2013 - The European Legacy:1-2.
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  18.  13
    Taking ideology seriously: 21st century reconfigurations.Gayil Talshir, Mathew Humphrey & Michael Freeden (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    This collection of papers challenges the notion that we are living in post-ideological age. It offers a theoretical framework for exploring some of the new manifestations of ideologies, and combines this with a series of case-studies relating to recent ideational phenomena, such as populism, environmentalism and Islamic fundamentalism. It reassesses some typologies, such as the left-right axis, as an explanatory device." "The purpose of the essays is to revitalize the scholarly understanding of ideology as central to the concerns of political (...)
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  19.  47
    Reassessing Egalitarianism, by Jeremy Moss: New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, pp. v + 180, US$95.Carina Fourie - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (3):626-626.
  20. Did Marx hold a labor theory of value?Peter King - unknown
    In the first volume of Capital, Marx introduces a labor theory of value. The theory is supposed to form the basis of his “laying bare” the “inner workings” of capitalism. The theory rests on two claims, and at the outset Marx uses it to explain four features of capitalist production. Yet by the end of the final volume of Capital, he abandons both claims and offers alternative accounts of all four features of capitalism. We (...)
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  21.  15
    History, Methodology and Identity for a 21st Century Social Economics.Wilfred Dolfsma & D. Wade Hands (eds.) - 2019 - NewYork: Routledge.
    This book seeks to advance social economic analysis, economic methodology, and the history of economic thought in the context of twenty-first century scholarship and socio-economic concerns. Bringing together carefully selected chapters by leading scholars it examines the central contributions that John Davis has made to various areas of scholarship. In recent decades, criticisms of mainstream economics have rekindled interest in a number of areas of scholarly inquiry that were frequently ignored by mainstream economic theory and practice during the (...)
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  22. Objectivity, value judgment, and theory choice.Thomas S. Kuhn - 1981 - In David Zaret, Review of Thomas S. Kuhn The Essential Tension: Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition and Change. Duke University Press. pp. 320--39.
  23.  12
    American Iconology: New Approaches to Nineteenth-century Art and Literature.David C. Miller - 1993 - Yale University Press.
    This overview of the "sister arts" of the nineteenth century by younger scholars in art history, literature, and American studies presents a startling array of perspectives on the fundamental role played by images in culture and society. Drawing on the latest thinking about vision and visuality as well as on recent developments in literary theory and cultural studies, the contributors situate paintings, sculpture, monument art, and literary images within a variety of cultural contexts. The volume offers fresh and (...)
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  24.  26
    Value Theory and Dialectics.Tony Smith - 1998 - Science and Society 62 (3):460 - 470.
    If Capital is read as a work in systematic dialectics, early and later stages of the work do not relate externally as model and concrete reality. Both are instead different conceptualizations of the same totality. On this reading standard objections to the so-called "transformation problem" dissipate. An appreciation of dialectics also enables a deeper comprehension of Marx's key notions of "value" and "abstract labor.".
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  25.  81
    Quantum theory, intrinsic value, and panentheism.Michael E. Zimmerman - 1988 - Environmental Ethics 10 (1):3-30.
    J. Baird Callicott seeks to resolve the problem of the intrinsic value of nature by utilizing a nondualistic paradigm derived from quantum theory. His approach is twofold. According to his less radical approach, quantum theory shows that properties once considered to be “primary” and “objective” are in fact the products of interactions between observer and observed. Values are also the products of such interactions. According to his more radical approach, quantum theory’s doctrine of internal relations is (...)
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  26.  21
    Chapter 1. Early Twentieth-Century Intuitionism.Robert Audi - 2004 - In The Good in the Right: A Theory of Intuition and Intrinsic Value. Princeton Up. pp. 5-39.
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  27.  80
    Ewa Mazierska and Lars Kristensen Marx at the Movies: Revisiting History, Theory and Practice, London: Palgrave Macmillan. 293 pp.Bruce Williams - 2015 - Film-Philosophy 19 (1).
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  28.  62
    John L. BELL. Set theory: Boolean-valued models and independence proofs. Oxford: Clarendon press, 2005. Oxford logic guides, no. 47. pp. XXII + 191. ISBN 0-19-856852-5, 987-0-19-856852-0 (pbk). [REVIEW]Patricia Marino - 2006 - Philosophia Mathematica 14 (3):392-394.
    This is the third edition of a book originally published in the 1970s; it provides a systematic and nicely organized presentation of the elegant method of using Boolean-valued models to prove independence results. Four things are new in the third edition: background material on Heyting algebras, a chapter on ‘Boolean-valued analysis’, one on using Heyting algebras to understand intuitionistic set theory, and an appendix explaining how Boolean and Heyting algebras look from the perspective of category theory. The book (...)
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  29.  24
    Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist by Kate Raworth (review).Yoko Nagase - 2023 - Utopian Studies 33 (3):528-530.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist by Kate RaworthYoko NagaseKate Raworth, Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist. London: Random House Business Books, 2017. 372 pp. £20. ISBN 9781847941374.Question: Is this a book about utopia? Answer: Yes, indeed; it is a book about a twenty-first-century utopia represented by the Doughnut.The author presents a vision of a (...)
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  30.  22
    Elleke Boehmer. Postcolonial Poetics: 21st-Century Critical Readings. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 220 pp. [REVIEW]Homi K. Bhabha - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (3):612-613.
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  31.  19
    Book Review - Sandlin, J. and Wallin, J. , 2017. Paranoid Pedagogies: Education, Culture, and Paranoia. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 212 Pages. [REVIEW]Jonathan W. Crocker - 2018 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 12 (4).
    Paranoid Pedagogies attempts to revive an interest in paranoid subjectivity, especially as it relates to sociocultural mechanisms that, in many ways, bind educational thought and practice. For all of the conversation surrounding cultures of surveillance, escalating standardization, conspiratorial politics, and neoliberal univocality within this context, there is limited discussion about how paranoiac fixity preserves and reproduces these psychosocial realities.
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  32.  14
    Bossacoma Busquets, Pau (2020). Morality and Legality of Secession. A Theory of National Self-Determination. Palgrave Macmillan (Springer) (Federalism and Internal Conflicts). 386 pages. [REVIEW]Anna Meine - 2021 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 10 (18):285-290.
    In his new book, Pau Bossacoma Busquets combines political theory and philosophy with perspectives from international and constitutional law and a variety of empirical, historical and contemporary case studies. Thereby, he presents a new theoretical framework for discussing the Morality and Legality of Secession in general and various theoretical, institutional and practical challenges presented by movements for independence in particular.
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  33. Objectification: A 21st Century Reassessment.Scott Anderson - 2013 - In Thom Brooks, Current Controversies in Political Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 100-116.
  34. Mature Theory Change: Value Dimension.Rinat M. Nugayev - 2002 - Voprosi Filosofii (The Problems of Philosophy) (11):124-134.
    Value dimensions of mature theory change in science are considered. It is argued that the interaction of the values of the cross-theories constitutes the major mechanism of theory change in this dimension. Examples from history of science describing the details of the mechanism are given.
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  35.  39
    International Political Theory after HobbesRaia Prokhovnik and Gabriella Slomp (eds),International Political Theory after Hobbes: Analysis, Interpretation and Orientation(Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), 232 pp., £57.50/$85.00 cloth. [REVIEW]Richard E. Flathman - 2011 - Journal of International Political Theory 7 (2):212-218.
  36.  13
    Lectures on Polish Value Theory.Czeslaw Porebski - 2019 - Leiden: Brill | Rodopi. Edited by Władysław Stróżewski.
    This book introduces an important chapter of Polish 20th century philosophy, by analyzing the studies that contributed to value theory; i.e. the studies of Kazimierz Twardowski, Tadeusz Czeżowski, Tadeusz Kotarbiński, Władysław Tatarkiewicz, Roman Ingarden, Henryk Elzenberg, Maria Ossowska, and Józef Maria Bocheński.
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  37.  27
    Reassessing Marx’s Social and Political Philosophy: Freedom, Recognition and Human Flourishing.Jan Kandiyali (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Interest in the study of Marx’s thought has shown a revival in recent years, with a number of newly established academic societies, conferences, and journals dedicated to discussing his thought. This book brings together distinguished and up-and-coming scholars to provide a major re-evaluation of historical issues in Marx scholarship and to connect Marx’s ideas with fresh debates in contemporary Anglo-American social and political philosophy. Among the topics discussed are Marx’s relationship to his philosophical predecessors—including Hegel, the (...)
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  38.  14
    Sub-human: a 21st-century ethic; on animals, collective liberation, and us all.Emma Hakansson - 2024 - Woodstock, NY: Lantern Publishing & Media.
    When we accept oppression of some, we feed the oppression of others, and we make space for domination driven by false ideas of inferiority and lesser worth. When we discount the inherent preciousness of animals who think and feel, we erase precious parts of ourselves. When we consider living beings as "livestock," it's no wonder we pillage the unthinking yet irreplaceable living earth. Sub-Human is a robustly researched, sharply critical yet comfortingly human call to arms, diving deeply into the (...) behind oppression, liberation, and the intersections within it. Exploring the history of animal consumption and commodification, this book deconstructs the current sociopolitical climate surrounding animal enterprises by looking at how we got here. Most importantly, it unravels how we can work towards a collectively liberated world. (shrink)
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    Classical social theory and modern society: Marx, Durkheim, Weber.Edward Cary Royce - 2015 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Classical Social Theory and Modern Society introduces students to Marx, Durkheim, and Weber. After surveying the historical context in which they wrote, the book provides an overview of each thinker, then places them in dialogue with each other on four issues that remain relevant to life in today's modern world.
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  40. Philosophical Theories, Aesthetic Value, and Theory Choice.Jiri Benovsky - 2013 - Journal of Value Inquiry 47 (3):191-205.
    The practice of attributing aesthetic properties to scientific and philosophical theories is commonplace. Perhaps one of the most famous examples of such an aesthetic judgement about a theory is Quine's in 'On what there is': "Wyman's overpopulated universe is in many ways unlovely. It offends the aesthetic sense of us who have a taste for desert landscapes". Many other philosophers and scientists, before and after Quine, have attributed aesthetic properties to particular theories they are defending or rejecting. One often (...)
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  41.  90
    Legal theory and value judgments.Vittorio Villa - 1997 - Law and Philosophy 16 (4):447-477.
    The aim of the paper is that of putting into question the dichotomy between fact-judgments and value judgments in the legal domain, with its epistemological presuppositions (descriptivist image of knowledge) and its methodological implications for legal knowledge (value freedom principle and neutrality thesis). The basic question that I will try to answer is whether and on what conditions strong ethical value-judgments belong within legal knowledge. I criticize the traditional positivist positions that have fully accepted the value-freedom (...)
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  42. Towards Education for 21st Century Democratic Citizenry — Philosophical Enquiry Advancing Cosmopolitan Engagement (P.E.A.C.E.) Curriculum: An Intentional Critique.Desiree' Moodley - 2021 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 41 (2):92 - 105.
    Doing philosophy for/with children and exposing students to multiple perspectives, exemplified within the Austrian Centre of Philosophy with Children’s implementation project of the Philosophical Enquiry Advancing Cosmopolitan Engagement (PEACE) curriculum in schooling, may offer a valuable written, taught, and tested curriculum for democratic citizenry. This paper provides an analysis that seeks to present, describe, critique, and make recommendations on the PEACE curriculum. The paper asks the question: In what ways does the Philosophical Enquiry Advancing Cosmopolitan Engagement as a 21st (...)
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  43. Embodied Functionalism and Inner Complexity: Simon’s 21st-Century Mind.Robert D. Rupert - 2016 - In Roger Frantz & Leslie Marsh, Minds, Models and Milieux: Commemorating the Centennial of the Birth of Herbert Simon. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 7–33.
    This chapter argues that Simon anticipated what has emerged as the consensus view about human cognition: embodied functionalism. According to embodied functionalism, cognitive processes appear at a distinctively cognitive level; types of cognitive processes (such as proving a theorem) are not identical to kinds of neural processes, because the former can take various physical forms in various individual thinkers. Nevertheless, the distinctive characteristics of such processes — their causal structures — are determined by fine-grained properties shared by various, often especially (...)
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  44.  15
    Right and wrong: finding values for the 21st Century.Ronald D. Sisk - 2023 - Macon, GA: Smyth & Helwys Publishing.
    Right and Wrong addresses the chief problems Christians have responding to the myriad economic, political, and public health challenges we all face. The author uses a relatively simple approach learned in Christian ethics class as a seminarian. As the pandemic continued and issues succeeded one another in the headlines, he wrote down how that simple approach, grounded in a particular definition of the primary New Testament term for Christian love-agape-, remains both intellectually and spiritually robust enough to serve as a (...)
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  45.  25
    21st-century humanities: Art, complexity, and interdisciplinarity.Paul Youngman - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (2):111-121.
    This article contends that the evolution toward interdisciplinary collaboration that we are witnessing in the sciences must also occur in the humanities to ensure their very survival. That is, humanists must be open to working with scientists and social scientists interested in similar research questions and vice versa. Digital humanities is a positive first step. Complexity science should be the next step. Even though much of the ground-breaking work in complexity science has been done in the natural sciences and mathematics, (...)
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  46. Regularity theories reassessed.Michael Baumgartner - 2006 - Philosophia 36 (3):327-354.
    For a long time, regularity accounts of causation have virtually vanished from the scene. Problems encountered within other theoretical frameworks have recently induced authors working on causation, laws of nature, or methodologies of causal reasoning – as e.g. May (Kausales Schliessen. Eine Untersuchung über kausale Erklärungen und Theorienbildung. Ph.D. thesis, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, 1999), Ragin (Fuzzy-set social science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000), Graßhoff and May (Causal regularities. In W. Spohn, M. Ledwig, & M. Esfeld (Eds.), Current issues in (...)
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  47. Richness Theory: From Value to Action.Gregory M. Mikkelson - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (2):99-109.
    Richness theory offers a promising axiology. In this paper, I discuss how to translate it into a deontology. To do so, I recruit the concept of moral distance from a recently developed epistemology, and construe it in terms of causal power. Finally, I apply the resulting decision-theoretic framework to the question of how best to avert ecological disaster over the next 36 years and achieve ecological harmony over the next 986.
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    Anthropological theory today.Henrietta L. Moore (ed.) - 1999 - Malden, MA: Polity Press.
    This important book makes a bold statement about the nature and value of anthropological theory at the beginning of the 21st century.
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    Searchlight on Values. Nicolai Hartmann's Twentieth-Century Value Platonism. [REVIEW]J. N. Mohanty - 1986 - Review of Metaphysics 39 (3):559-559.
    Although Nicolai Hartmann's Ethics is one of the most important works on ethics in this century, it is still little known in the English-speaking world, and most probably suffers from the same negligence on the European continent. Eva Cadwallader's book, I hope, will succeed in generating some interest in Hartmann's Ethics. Her book is a very competent exposition of Hartmann's Platonistic theory of values. It is also a critical study. She takes great pains to bring out the exact (...)
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  50. Paul Grice: Philosopher and linguist, by Siobhan Chapman. Houndmills, basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. Pp. VII + 247. H/b £45. [REVIEW]Christopher Potts - unknown
    Paul Grice seems to have led a quintessentially academic life — a life spent jotting notes, giving lectures, reading, talking, and arguing with his past self and with others. In virtue of his age and station, he remained largely at the fringes of the great battles of his day — World War II and the clash of the positivists with the ordinary language group. There are no grand family tensions `a la Russell, nor any deep psychoses `a la Wittgenstein. Just (...)
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